Importing Python packages with pkgutil

We Python programmers have our cherished shortcuts around package search hell. The easiest by far is probably sys.path.insert(0), but it isn’t always feasible or generalizable across machines. This post is about pkgutil1, a package that I recently stumbled across, and whether it is a suitable substitute to sys.path.insert. A couple of disclaimers:

  1. This is NOT a tutorial on how to use pkgutil; I leave that to other experts.
  2. I am still using Python 2 for various reasons. The Python 3 pkgutil might be much more capable than indicated in this post.


I have been working on code to run robot tasks, which has the following directory structure2:

|-- actions
|    |--
|    |--
|    |--
|    |--
|    |--
|    +-- ...
+-- ...

As a short summary, the task_executor Python package contains utilities to call robot perception and motion actions in order to complete a task, and its primary interface to the rest of the robot system is through clients defined within the Python subpackage actions. To make the interface to clients easy, external packages simply import task_executor.actions, which means that the file task_executor/actions/ needs to be kept upto date with all the modules that are defined in the path task_executor/actions/.

Before my foray into pkgutil, I manually synchronized with every action update. However, when the number of actions reached 42 (and more), the situation became untenable: I needed a mechanism to automatically find and import action clients from a specified submodule in a package3.

Importing on the PATH

Naturally, StackOverflow was my first destination, and it didn’t disappoint. A stub of the code required in task_executor/actions/ is:

import os
import pkgutil

# First iterate through the directory with pkgutil, and save all
# the modules that were found in the variable found_packages
pkgname = __package__  # Should be `task_executor.actions`
pkgpath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
found_packages = list(

# Then fetch the action names, because each `x` in the list
# comprehension below is of the form
# `task_executor.actions.<name>`
action_names = [x.split('.')[-1] for _, x, _ in found_packages]

# Get the package importer from the package list too. We will use
# it for the actual import. Note, that since we only had a single
# directory, the importer for all the returned packages is the
# same (you can verify this in a separate interpreter)
importer = found_packages[0][0]

# Finally, import the actions from the found_packages. Remember
# that this code can be very prone to exceptions!
actions = {}
for idx, name in enumerate(action_names):
    module = importer.find_module(found_packages[idx][1])\
    actions[name] = getattr(module, "Action")

As easily as that, I now have an that I never have to remember to update when changing one of the many actions that are defined4.

Importing off the PATH

But, as you probably noticed, the argument accepted by pkgutil.iter_modules is a list of folder paths and not package names. So I decided to conduct a few experiments to see if pkgutil is a valid substitute for old-faithful—sys.path.insert.

Absolute imports in modules

Consider the following package structure, which is not on any of the Python import paths:

|-- (empty)
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function

In a separate directory (/home/banerjs/Downloads), I then ran the following:

>>> import os
>>> import pkgutil
>>> pth = "/home/banerjs/foo"
>>> p = list(pkgutil.iter_modules([pth], "foo."))
>>> p
[(<pkgutil.ImpImporter instance at 0x7fc64b85c518>, 'foo.a', False), (<pkgutil.ImpImporter instance at 0x7fc64b85c518>, 'foo.b', False)]
>>> i = p[0][0]
>>> a = i.find_module(p[0][1]).load_module(p[0][1])
/home/banerjs/foo/ RuntimeWarning: Parent module 'foo' not found while handling absolute import
  from __future__ import print_function

Surprisingly, the result is a successful import, but the RuntimeWarning suggests that relative imports in the module could prove to be problematic. So I tested that next.

Relative imports in modules

I updated the code of

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
from .b import *

And then ran in the previous terminal:

>>> a = i.find_module(p[0][1]).load_module(p[0][1])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 243, in load_module
    mod = imp.load_module(fullname, self.file, self.filename, self.etc)
  File "/home/banerjs/foo/", line 2, in <module>
    from .b import *
SystemError: Parent module 'foo' not loaded, cannot perform relative import

Sure enough, to perform relative imports, the package foo must be in the search path and loaded. One can verify this easily with:

>>> import sys
>>> sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(pth))  # Old faithful
>>> import importlib
>>> f = importlib.import_module('foo')
>>> f
<module 'foo' from '/home/banerjs/foo/'>
>>> a = i.find_module(p[0][1]).load_module(p[0][1])

Absolute imports in submodules

The comments in the StackOverflow discussion also mention pkgutil.walk_packages() as a means of recursing through all submodules. So I reverted and updated the package structure to:

|-- (empty)
+-- c
    |-- (empty)
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function

And then, in a new terminal, ran the following:

>>> from __future__ import print_function
>>> import os
>>> import pkgutil
>>> pth = "/home/banerjs/foo"
>>> p = list(pkgutil.iter_modules([pth], "foo.", onerror=print))
>>> p
[(<pkgutil.ImpImporter instance at 0x7f31d4d73518>, 'foo.a', False), (<pkgutil.ImpImporter instance at 0x7f31d4d73518>, 'foo.b', False), (<pkgutil.ImpImporter instance at 0x7f31d4d73518>, 'foo.c', True)]

The absence of d in the output and the presence of the intermediate foo.c print indicate that walk_packages also requires foo to be on the package search paths. We can verify this:

>>> import sys
>>> sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(pth))  # Old faithful
>>> import importlib
>>> f = importlib.import_module('foo')
>>> p = list(pkgutil.walk_packages([pth], "foo.", print))
>>> p
[(<pkgutil.ImpImporter instance at 0x7f31d2c3e518>, 'foo.a', False), (<pkgutil.ImpImporter instance at 0x7f31d2c3e518>, 'foo.b', False), (<pkgutil.ImpImporter instance at 0x7f31d2c3e518>, 'foo.c', True), (<pkgutil.ImpImporter instance at 0x7f31d2c3e680>, 'foo.c.d', False)]


In conclusion, therefore, pkgutil is a great tool for package or module discovery when the package in question is already in the package search path(s), but we still need good ol’ sys.path.insert (among other, more generalizable methods) to get the target package(s) into the search path in the first place.


  1. Some of the code is here; but there will be more details on it at a later date. 

  2. Unfortunately, due to various reasons still unclear to me, dir(task_executor.actions) did not magically list all the modules that I wanted… 

  3. There are a few caveats, such as the fact that the naming convention within the actions have to be standardized, etc. However, as caveats go, they aren’t too bad.